Home » Brian Kemp’s Running Mate Did Not Vote For Herschel Walker

Brian Kemp’s Running Mate Did Not Vote For Herschel Walker

This. Is. Bad.

In an interview with CNN, Georgia Republican Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan said he couldn’t bring himself to vote for Herschel Walker.

“I showed up to vote this morning. I was one of those folks who got in line and spent about an hour waiting, and you know, it was the most disappointing ballot I’ve ever stared at in my entire life since I started voting. You know, I had two candidates that I just couldn’t find anything that made sense for me to put my vote behind. And so I walked out of that ballot box, showing up to vote but not voting for either one of them,” said Duncan.

The CNN panel couldn’t sugarcoat this disaster one bit.

HEIDI PRZYBYLA: …So this is a bad omen. All of the energy appears to be on the Democratic side. At least if you look at some of the key barometers here, including the spending. He’s been outspent by almost 2-1 in this race. Now all of these new revelations coming out just kind of add to this drip-drip of concerns about his character and his behavior. And it looks like it might be a win for the Democrats.

Democratic activist Karen Finney remembered the past, as Democrats do.

KAREN FINNEY: But I would also say Democrats, we’ve been through this before. I was part of the polling team in 2020. We know how to do a runoff election or special election in Georgia. And it is exactly as Eva said. We were able to turn out voters who did not turn out in November of 2020, right? Because you — and for Georgia you can also make the case. I mean, Georgia voters understand: their vote literally changed the direction of this country in 2020.

…The other thing I’ll say is there’s a conversation quite frankly going on among African American voters about which of these two men do you want representing black men on the national stage in the Senate of the United States of America? And that does not favor Walker.

Do yourself a favor, turn off the sound on the above video, and just watch the head-shake and heavy sigh that Republican strategist David Urban displays at the 2:23 mark.

DAVID URBAN: So lieutenant governor there, kind of depressing to hear him come out and say he couldn’t take one for the team, right? If one of the leaders of the party in the state of Georgia can’t take one for the team, what’s the average, you know, Republican voter going to do?

And then Urban put the responsibility on Governor Brian Kemp’s shoulders:

“…If you’re not knocking on doors and dragging the people who voted you to the polls, Herschel Walker’s not going to win,…Brian Kemp needs to convince the people that voted for him they need to vote for Herschel. If that doesn’t happen, Herschel doesn’t win.”

Brian Kemp couldn’t get his own Lieutenant Governor to vote for Herschel, David. Knocking doors? Come on.


December 2022