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Lindsey Graham Rants: Media ‘Is Out To Destroy’ Herschel

Lindsay Graham told Fox News’ Harris Faulkner that the media is out to destroy Herschel Walker because he could inspire Black conservatives.

I think.

It’s hard to unpack all the gaslighting Senator Graham is doing to support Walker.

In a long segment dedicated to the Walker campaign, Fox News used another dubious MRC study that uses shoddy methods. The so-called “study” ignores the incredible amount of lies by, character flaws of, and scandals surrounding Herschel Walker. Not to mention the devastating testimonies of his own son, former wife, and former girlfriends that have come out during the election season.

But that doesn’t slow down Lindsey Graham one bit.

“Broadcast network gave Herschel Walker 80% negative coverage compared to 71% positive coverage for Warnock,” Faulkner said, using MRC’s article. “Are you seeing some of that when you kind of take temporary residency trying to help them out?”

It’s true! Lindsey has practically moved into the state of Georgia. Just like Herschel, who actually lives in Texas.

Instead of discussing the media coverage, Graham complained about the negative ads on television against Walker. Poor Goober. Nothing improper with that.

“They are trying to destroy Herschel Walker as a person because he’s an African-American conservative,” Graham stated.

Same idiotic talking point.

After listing off Walker’s supposed resume, he continued with the fluff.

“I’ve never met anybody like Herschel Walker,” he said.

Graham continues attacking the press and the Democratic party for a sort of “reverse racism” against Walker to stop Black conservatives.

The runoff is close, but the latest poll I saw from CNN had Warnock ahead by 4 points. And Black voters are supporting Warnock by a 96% to 4% margin.

Graham said he’s seen internal polls from Walker and thinks he’ll win… if Fox News viewers send more money to his campaign. . Sure! That’ll do the trick!

Even the white Republican Lieutenant Governor of Georgia couldn’t bring himself to vote for Herschel. Sad!

Go to hell, Goober.


December 2022