Home » Mike Johnson’s Government Funding Plan Has Already Collapsed

Mike Johnson’s Government Funding Plan Has Already Collapsed

Speaker Mike Johnson’s tenure hasn’t gotten off to a great start. House Republican leadership has “abruptly” pulled the financial services spending bill because they didn’t have the votes due to a lack of support from Republicans. This is the second spending bill they’ve pulled due to a lack of support from their own conference.

Jake Sherman reported: “THE HOUSE GOP LEADERSHIP has abruptly pulled the financial services spending bill.

They didn’t have the votes. Second spending bill this week that’s been pulled bc of lack of GOP support.”

Speaker Johnson’s plan to avoid a government shutdown was to pass spending bills ahead of the Senate to try to force the Senate to negotiate on House Republican terms. The House GOP talked about a laddered CR that would fund different agencies for different amounts of time, but the Senate and the White House both rejected the idea.

House Republicans are opposed to clean CR. The government shuts down in eight days and Speaker Johnson can’t get his conference to pass one spending bill, much less several.

Republicans aren’t in the House to govern and keep the government open, though, so this might not be seen as a problem by them. Although that is what they’re being paid by the people to do, what they are actually doing is investigating President Biden’s son’s hacked photos and running up the flagpole conservative conspiracy fanfic about Joe Biden to see what might stick.

As they pulled the spending bill, Representative Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) is trying to impeach Secretary Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas for high crimes and misdemeanors. She’s been trying to impeach everyone for nothing, in order to water down the meaning of “impeachment” so her boss doesn’t look quite so bad for having been impeached twice.

Johnson just got started, and he’s already fumbled the ball. His time as Speaker is already looking a lot like every other Republican Speaker, which suggests that the problem is the extremism and refusal to compromise among House Republicans rather than the person who holds the gavel.

Speaker Johnson’s plan has crumbled, and the bad news for the nation is that Republicans might bring a government shutdown to all of our Thanksgiving tables.


November 2023