From Texas to Massachusetts, the pundits were wrong on Tuesday.
Former Vice President Joe Biden scored shocking victory after victory in the Democratic presidential contest Tuesday night.
Following abysmal showings in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, pundits wrote off Biden’s campaign as a ‘has been’ but the former Vice President staked his campaign on a resounding victory in South Carolina.
He was not disappointed. South Carolinians came through for him. Following that victory and with the momentum of the endorsement from former rivals Beto O’Rourke, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, VP Biden roared into Super Tuesday.
Late deciders in state after state gave Biden the resounding victory he needed to make the race a two-man contest between him and Senator Bernie Sanders.
Maine, Texas, and other states on Super Tuesday said they were ready to take on Donald Trump.
Reports this morning indicate Massachusetts’ Senator Elizabeth Warren is reassessing her campaign after former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg dropped out of the race and threw his support behind Joe Biden.