Home » Katy Tur Asks Republican To Consider A ‘Bipartisan’ Speaker

Katy Tur Asks Republican To Consider A ‘Bipartisan’ Speaker

So Thursday afternoon Katy Tur had on Rep. Stephanie Bice, Republican of Oklahoma, to talk about the current state of the House of Representatives, and apparently neither of them had the gall or honesty to scream out swear words about the Republican Party’s inability to govern even within their own caucus.

Instead, Katy Tur, MSNBC employee, rounded out the interview with a hope that maybe the Republicans would reach out to Democrats to get “help” in solving their lil’ speaker problem. Not making that up.

KATY TUR: What about the other side? There are a number of Democrats who can help Republicans, or help the Republican Party elect a Speaker, if they wanted to. Is there any consensus candidate that you can think of, or any way that there would be a consensus candidate, to form a coalition government, that actually gets things done? You talk about wanting to work for the American public. The American public looks to Congress and says ‘Gosh, they can’t do anything! All they want to do is fight, and this is a prime example of it.’ Is there a way to inspire the confidence of the American public, and say hey, we can work together. Let me find somebody who is going to be a bipartisan solution. who will bring bipartisan legislation to the floor?

REP. STEPHANIE BICE (R-OK): You know, at this point, that hasn’t been discussed. I haven’t heard of anybody that could be a candidate to come forward. We continue to put our support behind Kevin McCarthy.

In case you missed it, the only answer to Katy Tur’s absurd pursuit of a Democratic Rescue Plan for THE REPUBLICAN PARTY came from Hakeem Jeffries himself:

It is not the Democrats’ job to fix the Republican inability to govern. But here’s a “solution” for ya, Katy:


January 2023