Home » Kamala Harris Delivers Pitch Perfect Response To Trump’s Fascism

Kamala Harris Delivers Pitch Perfect Response To Trump’s Fascism

Vice President Harris addressed the national media and responded to John Kelly’s account that Trump is a fascist by posing the perfect question to the American people.

Harris said:

 Yesterday we learned that Donald Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that wild Donald Trump was president he said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the United States constitution. He wants a military that is loyal to him he wants a military who will be loyal to him personally. One that we’ll obey his orders even when he tells them to break the law or abandon their oath to the constitution of the United States. In just the past week, Donald Trump has repeatedly called his fellow Americans, the enemy from within even said that he would use the United States military to go after American citizen and let’s be clear about who he considers to be the enemy from within anyone who refuses to bend a knee or dares to criticize him would qualify in his mind as the enemy within like judges, like journalist like nonpartisan election officials.

It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler the man who is responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans all of this is further evidence for the American people of who Donald Trump really is. This is a window into who Donald Trump really is from the people who know him best, from the people who worked with him side-by-side in the Oval Office in the situation room.

Donald Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable. And in a second term, people like John Kelly would not be there to be the guardrails against his propensities and his actions. Those who once tried to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses would no longer be there and no longer be there to rein him in. So, the bottom line is this. We know what Donald Trump wants. He wants unchecked power. The question in 13 days will be, what do the American people want?

Videos of Harris:

The American people have a choice. Do they want democracy, or will they choose to be ruled by a cognitively impaired fascist who wants to take a away your rights and freedoms so that he can rule as a dictator?

It seems far fetched by given what John Kelly and others who have worked in the Trump administration have confirmed, this is the choice. The future of the country in a deeper and more fundamental way is at stake in this election.

Kamala Harris was right. She can’t save democracy on her own. This is a choice that has to be made by the American people.

The American people have to choose. Do we want to be free, or ruled by Donald Trump?

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October 2024