Home » Rep. Frost Brings Fire Over Comer’s Blatant Abuse Of Power

Rep. Frost Brings Fire Over Comer’s Blatant Abuse Of Power

Representative Maxwell Frost (D-FL) was in no mood for any of Rep. James Comer’s bullshit games and brought the heat straight at him:

FROST: This committee functions as an extension of the Trump campaign. First, we went after President Biden with a nonsense impeachment hearing. Then we went after his son. Now we’re going after the vice president because she’s the nominee. And my question is, Mr. Chairman, are we going after Tim Waltz next week? Because I hear from my staff that you’re planning a hearing on Governor Tim Waltz, even though he’s been governor for five years, and his name hasn’t been uttered in this room or in this committee until something happened recently. Oh yes, he became the vice-presidential nominee. Is he next?

COMER: His son’s going to jail.

FROST: Oh, okay, okay. I’m talking about Governor Tim Waltz.

COMER: Oh, okay.

FROST: Are we doing a hearing on him next week?

COMER: I’ll have to check the calendar.

FROST: You’ll have to check. I’ll let you know. We’ll see what happens next week. Someone whose name has not been uttered in this committee, but now that he’s the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, we’re going to do a hearing on him. A complete blatant use of official resources for a political campaign is what this committee has been. And anyone who’s taking part in that should be ashamed of themselves.

What makes it even more frustrating is that Comer just sat there with a blank stare on his face, perhaps because he’s using up his limited cognitive functioning on just twirling his thumbs. It’s obvious he didn’t have the capacity of even tracking the conversation between him and Frost.

On the other hand, what made it bearable was watching Represerntative Jamie Raskin just sitting there, enjoying the way Frost was beclowning Comer without breaking into a sweat.


September 2024