Home » Biden tells Democrats he’s staying in the race: ‘It’s time to come together’

Biden tells Democrats he’s staying in the race: ‘It’s time to come together’

Despite calls from a handful of Democrats in Congress—as well as several editorials, columns, podcasts, and about a trillion tweets—for President Joe Biden to drop his reelection bid, he’s not going anywhere.

That was his message in a letter to congressional Democrats Monday, as they return to Washington from their July 4 recess.

Now that you have returned from the July 4th recess, I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump. 

I have had extensive conversations with the leadership of the party, elected officials, rank and file members, and most importantly, Democratic voters over these past 10 days or so. I have heard the concerns that people have their good faith fears and worries about what is at stake in this election. I am not blind to them. Believe me, I know better than anyone the responsibility and the burden the nominee of our party carries. I carried it in 2020 when the fate of our nation was at stake. I also know these concerns come from a place of real respect for my lifetime of public service and my record as President, and I have been moved by the expressions of affection for me from so many who have known me well and supported me over the course of my public: life. I’ve been grateful for the rock-solid, steadfast support from so many elected Democrats in Congress and all across the country and taken great strength from the resolve and determination I’ve seen from so many voters and grassroots supporters even in the hardest weeks. 

I can respond to all this by saying clearly and unequivocally: I wouldn’t be running again if I did not absolutely believe I was the best person to beat Donald Trump in 2024.

Biden went on to tout his decisive victory in this year’s Democratic primary, asserting his “deep obligation to the faith and the trust the voters of the Democratic Party have placed in me to run this year.”

He also boasted of his “historic record of success,” noting the 15 millions jobs he’s created, record low unemployment rates, expansion of health care access, major investments in infrastructure, and student debt relief.

He contrasted his record with Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans, who “are siding with the wealthy and the big corporations.” And he noted that he and his fellow Democrats are “standing up for American democracy.”

The letter is a powerful response to critics who have said Biden needs to make a strong case for his candidacy and why Trump is unacceptable. It lays out many of the arguments he has been making on the campaign trail. Whether the letter will satisfy those who say Biden’s performance in the debate nearly two weeks ago indicate he’s not capable of taking on Trump—well, that’s to be determined.

But it’s clear that as of now, Biden has no intention of dropping out of the race, and he’s hoping this letter is the final word on the matter, as he concludes by calling on Democrats to stop questioning his candidacy and unite to defeat Trump.

My fellow Democrats — we have the record, the vision, and the fundamental commitment to America’s freedoms and our Democracy to win.

The question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now. And it’s time for it to end. We have one job. And that is to beat Donald Trump. We have 42 days to the Democratic Convention and 119 days to the general election. Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us. It’s time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump.


Biden vows to keep running: ‘No one is pushing me out’

Pundits are calling for Biden to drop out. They’ve got the wrong guy

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