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look at the headlines, talk about self destruction

3 min read

5 hours ago

picture used on another post but illustrating the beauty that we may lose if we don’t at least vote to try to do something about it


Ok, I admit I didn’t read the entire article, but just reading the headline, let me say this first and foremost.

Anybody that claims to be a Democrat that stays at home instead of voting for Biden because, you know “Biden is too old” because he had a bad night, (never mind that he gave a powerful speech the very next morning in North Carolina) is now official in my sights as to blame when trump takes office.

I will walk though rain, sleet, hail to vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is, yes that means Biden, during early voting at my courthouse without even hesitating one moment. Anybody that is so self-destructive that they fail to vote, because that IS a vote for trump, is part of the problem, jsut like the Bernie bros were part of the problem in 2016. I have said it before and I don’t take it back…those people are part of the enemy crowd in this moment when our very futures are at risk.

If you remember the quote of Ben Franklin, at least that is the last name I heard this quote referencing, “It is a republic if you can keep”. Well, if you don’t vote, you are just as much part of the group that helped our former republic turn into the dictatorship that trump and his minions will surely make it when Black and brown skinned people, the LGBTQ population and even women are second class citizens because that is the world that trump and his minions and enablers on the extreme right believe in.

Don’t let “perfection” and Biden is not perfect, nobody is, but he has a good staff of support and they are doing good things for the American people, destroy the good.

However, there does seem to be some movement. Keith Olberman on Instagram suggested that he loved Biden but that Kamala Harris is a lot younger and trump would then be the only “old man who stammers around” in the campaign. And Kamala not only has age but also is focused on the women’s freedom to choice when it comes to their health care. This is an issue that is major among women across the country of both parties. In addition, Pelosi has suggested (later a spokeman apparently tried to reel it back, that Biden should take a cognitive test. Biden himself has suggested that “he is in trouble and the next few days will determine if he can save his candidancy.

Kamala is not is not my personal first choice, but then she certainly is far, far better than the crook who wants to be dictator, and she would get my vote if that was the choice.

I will never just stay home and not vote regardless of who the democrat is, when the alternative is trump.



Yes, I know, I haven’t heard of sky.com either before, but it was also on another site that I can’t find when I google it again.
