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Republicans Can’t Do Holidays

As the gentle reader is aware, Monday was Memorial Day. For most of us, it’s a day to remember and honor the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our country. But for Republicans, it was just a day to cosplay being patriotic before going back to threatening democracy and worshiping their orange traitor-in-chief. (See also Flag Day, The Fourth of July and Veterans Day.)

Case in point, there were some MAGA insurrectionists who actually held an event to honor Ashli Babbitt, the insurrectionist who was killed in the commission of a crime:

Supporters of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol scheduled a march in support of right-wing MAGA activist Ashli Babbitt for Memorial Day.

For the second year in a row, MAGA followers planned to gather in Washington, D.C. to march in remembrance of Babbitt, who was shot to death after breaking into the Capitol on Jan. 6.


The groups also encouraged supporters to participate in the Ashli Babbitt Memorial Day Hero workout earlier in the day. The event was scheduled to coincide with the exercise period for the incarcerated Jan. 6 defendants.

“Join the Jan 6ers in a Memorial Day Hero workout honoring Ashli Babbitt and her ultimate sacrifice standing for Our rights,” the group said. “The workout is designed so the political prisoners detained can also do the workout with us.”

If the forefathers of these MAGA idiots were to come back and see their children and grandchildren acting this way, they would punch them in the face and/or die again from embarrasment.
