Home » Jon Stewart Rags On Hannity And Fox News Cancel Culture

Jon Stewart Rags On Hannity And Fox News Cancel Culture

Jon Stewart just called out hypocritical complaints of so-called “cancel culture” from the right, saying the only real way a conservative can be “canceled” is if they dare to criticize a certain Mango Man. Via HuffPost:

“This is their identity now, constant victimization,” said Stewart. “They say what they want and if you get upset about it, you don’t believe in freedom.”

Stewart aired a video of Fox News’ Sean Hannity claiming he “just believes in freedom” and isn’t easily outraged. “You are so unbelievable,” Stewart said of the conservative network’s on-screen Trump booster.

“They are so full of shit that Sean Hannity can say with a square head, ‘I’m not the kind of guy who gets outraged?’ Sean Hannity. He’s basically just a meat bag support system for a forehead vein,” he added.
