Home » Live coverage: Michael Cohen testifies in Trump’s New York Trial

Live coverage: Michael Cohen testifies in Trump’s New York Trial

CNN on what they consider to be the key takeaways from the morning.

Cohen testified to the campaigns’ justified panic following the release of the “Access Hollywood” video.

Cohen learned from AMI that Daniels was looking to sell her story about a sexual encounter with Trump. Cohen worried the story would be “catastrophic” for the campaign.

“…just get past the election, because if I win it will have no relevance because I’m president, and if I lose, I don’t even care.”

What Trump had to say about it, according to Cohen’s testimony: “This is a disaster, a total disaster, women are going to hate me. This is really a disaster. Women will hate me. Guys, they think it’s cool. But this is going to be a disaster for the campaign.”

Trump told Cohen to keep the story from getting out until the election was over. “I want you to just push it out as long as you can, just get past the election, because if I win it will have no relevance because I’m president, and if I lose, I don’t even care,”

That “just get it past the election” is the biggest line from this testimony. That’s Trump trying to bury Daniels’ story to protect his campaign, all wrapped up in a “if I lose, I don’t even care” bow. That’s the conspiracy that turns this into a felony, all in nice little nutshell.

Now, Cohen needs to get back on the stand and speak to the counts of the indictment—the falsified documents.
