Home » GOP Rep: ‘Moscow Marjorie Has Clearly Gone Off The Deep End’

GOP Rep: ‘Moscow Marjorie Has Clearly Gone Off The Deep End’

House Republicans had harsh words for the Georgia Peachpit as her plan failed to oust Speaker Johnson.

In a landslide vote 359-43, including a majority of Republicans refused to side with her.

Not only did she fail, but a colleague brought up “space lasers” in order to characterize her as the Qanon nut that she is

Rep. Mike Lawler of New York did not mince words:

Moscow Marjorie has clearly gone off the deep end, maybe the result of a space laser, but this type of tantrum is absolutely unacceptable and it does nothing to further the cause of the conservative movement,” he said. “The only people who have stymied our ability to govern are the very people that have pulled these types of stunts throughout the course of this Congress to undermine the House Republican majority.”

Marge called out as a Russian stooge and a tin-foiled hat lunatic? That sounds about right.

Lawler also took aim at her MAGA lovin’ cult members as well. Hopefully, if the Democrats take back the House in November, Marge will be relegated (along with Jim Jordan, James Comer, and the rest of those creeps) to social media and Newsmax.

I can imagine a scenario when many of those Freedom Caucus whack jobs leave Congress and take more lucrative jobs at faux voter fraud groups like True the Vote.
