Home » Mike Johnson ‘Intuitively’ Believes ‘Illegals’ Are Voting

Mike Johnson ‘Intuitively’ Believes ‘Illegals’ Are Voting

Speaker Mike Johnson pushed the false narrative that migrants crossing the border are voting in federal elections without any proof except for his suspicions.

Speaking at a news conference on their push for unnecessary Voter Eligibility Legislation which would require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections, Speaker Johnson made these outrageous claims.

So actually on the first question, I mean, the answer is that it’s unanswerable. That is the problem.

States are not allowed right now to prove if somebody claims on that simple form that they’re a citizen, they can vote. They’re not allowed to prove whether it’s true or not.

We all know intuitively that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections, but it’s not been something that is easily provable. We don’t have that number.

This legislation will allow us to do exactly that. It will prevent that from happening.

And if someone tries to do it, it will now be unlawful and the states will have a mechanism to prove whether they are or not. And to suggest that this is some sort of revenge tour is kind of a silly notion.

Republicans have been purging voter rolls for decades to exclude minorities from voting. The MAGA cult is doing it out in the open and using Trump’s BIG LIE that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

The only people illegally voting who have been caught are Republicans, so finding voter fraud is not impossible. However, you can’t find voter fraud where none is happening. Using conspiracies to make voting harder for Americans — our constitutional right — is undemocratic and another effort for Traitor Trump and his cult to usurp the will of the voters.
