Home » Mark Levin Tells Trump To Only Select A VP Who Goes On HIS Show

Mark Levin Tells Trump To Only Select A VP Who Goes On HIS Show

Mark Levin just made a bossy, egotistical, and absurd demand to Donald Trump.

If a prospective VP candidate won’t come on my RADIO SHOW, Donald, don’t pick them!

Transcript via Media Matters:

MARK LEVIN (HOST): You know, America, we have a little test here. We have 14 and half million listeners on this program every week. It is massive. On every imaginable communications platform – AM FM Radio, satellite, podcast. We’re on YouTube. We have our apps, Mark Levin app. We have the iHeart app. We have streaming. You name it, that’s where we are. And so I have a little — excuse me, a little rule here. Considering you’re the heart and soul of the conservative movement on this program — you are — the Tea Party simultaneously grew out of this program and my book and in our neighborhoods and communities, and so much else that we do in this program. Not TV, not digital, this program, this radio show.

If there’s somebody who claims to be a conservative and won’t come on this program, then my advice to President Trump is do not choose them as your running mate. If they’re not willing to come on this program and talk to me and I speak to them on your behalf — don’t you agree, mister producer? — that’s a telltale sign that they have a problem with you, millions and millions and millions of you.

So, I’m looking at this list that’s under consideration. There’s at least one senator on there who won’t come on the show. I cannot support this individual. There may be others. I haven’t seen the whole list, and we’ll communicate that.

Now, I don’t know if that has any effect or not. That’s not the point. The point is that’s a telltale sign. If there’s somebody who wants to be vice president of the United States who claims to be a constitutional conservative, and they won’t talk to you, they should be itching to talk to you, they should be begging to talk to you — and I can’t support them.

Yes. I’ll support Trump, whatever may come. Period. But I’ll be supporting him for him, not Trump and fill-in-the-blank. You get my point.

It’s the dumbest blackmail of the week, and it’s only Monday.
