Home » CA Gym Teacher Makes 12 Y.O. Run In 107 Degree Heat. He Dies.

CA Gym Teacher Makes 12 Y.O. Run In 107 Degree Heat. He Dies.

A 12-year-old boy in southern California has died after his gym teacher punished him for not having the right clothes by making him run in triple-digit heat. Via Yahoo News:

Yahshua Robinson, a middle school student from Lake Elsinore, California, arrived to his gym class on Tuesday in the wrong clothes, Amarna Plummer, Robinson’s aunt, told NBC Los Angeles. In response, Robinson’s gym teacher made him run outdoors during high temperatures, Plummer said, describing what Robinson’s fellow students had relayed to her.

“He was reaching out to the teacher, saying he needed some water. He said he couldn’t breathe. He was telling the kids this,” Plummer told the outlet.

[…] After Robinson collapsed, he was taken to a nearby hospital, where he later died of cardiac arrest, Plummer wrote on a GoFundMe page set up for Robinson’s family.

Ironically, his mother was a gym teacher at another school. Via the Daily Mail:

Plummer said her sister-in-law and Robinson’s mother is a physical education instructor in a different school district.

Plummer said Robinson’s mother warned school administrators about the dangerous heat, though it is unclear which administrators she spoke to, the news outlet reported.

According to Plummer, she informed the administration: ‘Do not let any children go out today for P.E.’ And what happened? She gets a call he passed out on the field.’

We know that far too many gym teachers confuse their mission with that of a Marine drill instructor.


September 2023