Home » Stand Back, Y’all. Donald Trump Is Going All Caps On Us

Stand Back, Y’all. Donald Trump Is Going All Caps On Us

Donald Trump’s posts on Truth Social started in the usual manner with his neverending claims of persecution; then he exploded into an all-caps rant. The one-term President thinks it’s unfair that Special Counsel Jack Smith is investigating his handling of classified documents.

And he’s also upset that Attorney General Merrick Garland named attorney Robert Hur as special counsel to investigate whether Biden improperly handled classified documents. However, Hut is a Trump appointee.

“How come the Biden “Prosecutor” is a nice guy, very friendly with Democrats and RINOS alike, close to Christopher Wray, & pretty much liked & known by everybody, while my “Prosecutor” is a Radical Left Trump HATING Lunatic, whose wife & family get a perfect “10” for spewing Trump HATE, & whose “friends” are the most evil, angry, & disgusting Marxists & Communists in & around Government?” Lumpy asked. “They are GRILLING innocent people in Grand Juries for hours, all to “get Trump.” These are Sick Thugs!”

“Page 1: Until now, I always thought that lawyers had a very special & revered place in our Country, but not anymore! It all began with the lawyer from hell, Michael Cohen, whose office was viciously RAIDED by the Fake Bureau of Investigation (FBI) early one morning, & whose files, & just about everything else, was taken from him on a case unrelated to me,” he continued. “Not too long thereafter, & being very brave, he screamed, I represent President Trump, I’ll tell you anything, but please leave me alone!”

“Page 2: Since then it has been open season on lawyers, their files, & their lives. They are attacked by the Radical Left Thugs at a level never seen before in our Country,” he screamed into the void. “Look at what they have done to Rudy Giuliani, who turned out to be right about so much, including the Laptop From Hell. So many others, also, all to try and “Get Trump,” due simply to Trump Derangement Syndrome. These Marxist Maniacs are improperly pushing City & State Prosecutors to do what they failed to do in Washington.”

“Page 3: THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON AGAINST ME FOR YEARS,” he added. “THE FBI & THE DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE ARE CROOKED, CORRUPT, & BROKEN (just look at the Lunatic Radical Left Prosecutor they gave me, but not Hopeless Joe, Twitter Files & the RIGGED 2020 Presidential Election, the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, & all the rest!). OUR COUNTRY IS IN SERIOUS TROUBLE, NO BORDERS, NO VOTER I.D., NO ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY HAS NOT BEEN SMART & TOUGH, BUT MAYBE THEY WILL BE NOW. GOOD LUCK AMERICA!!!”

The GOP has become the party of victimization. That’s their leader, and I’m not sure how any of his supporters can read his little rants without feeling thoroughly embarrassed, but here we are.


January 2023