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Buckle Up, Here Comes New Benghazi!

Republicans are demanding that Treasury officials turn over documents tied to Hunter Biden’s foreign banking and business transactions. Here we go! Via Bloomberg News:

Now in control of the House, they are asking Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to produce any suspicious activity reports, or SARs, used by banks to flag what they deem suspiciously large transactions involving Hunter Biden and other Biden family members. They also want former Twitter executives to testify and answer questions about alleged suppression of information about Biden’s family.

“Now that Democrats no longer have one-party rule in Washington, oversight and accountability are coming,” Representative James Comer of Kentucky, the new chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, said in a statement released Wednesday.

The investigation of Biden family business dealings is just one of the multiple inquiries that Republicans plan over the next two years. Biden has been preparing for the onslaught by bringing on a team of aides with experience dealing with such matters. His advisers are counting on federal agency staff, congressional Democrats and a revived outside group to help counter GOP-led probes.

Here’s what election denier and conspiracy theorist James Comer told Fox & Friends:

This is unprecedented to have anonymous donations in the million dollar range, going directly to the immediate family of Joe Biden. It’s almost as if there’s a money trail from the Biden front door all the way to China and it’s anonymous sources. This is a problem. This is why Republicans are going to investigate the Biden family influence peddling. We’re concerned that this White House is compromised because of the millions of dollars they’ve received from China.

Dana Milbank wrote in the Washington Post:

Comer, who has vowed to be “all over Hunter Biden,” told Fox News on April 28 that “Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s shady business dealings with Russia and with China” were responsible for drug smuggling. “China’s making so much money off the fentanyl that’s crossing the border. Is the reason Joe Biden has an open border because of his being compromised with China?”

Because we already know there is no “there” there, we get to sit back and watch once again as Republicans make even bigger fools of themselves.


January 2023