Home » Republican Agenda Is Based On MAGA Grievances, Says GOP Rep

Republican Agenda Is Based On MAGA Grievances, Says GOP Rep

For all of 2022, leading up to the midterm elections, Republicans and their media accomplices attacked the Biden administration over Covid supply chain issues, inflation, energy costs, crime and immigration.

However, their first act they after narrowly retaking the House was to proclaim that they will be investigating Hunter Biden.

Republicans plan to create a special judiciary subcommittee to investigate the constant Trump complaint , the weaponization of the federal government against him — not against anybody else, mind you — and it will be run by Jim Jordan.

“We will hold the swamp accountable, from the withdrawal of Afghanistan, to the origins of Covid and to the weaponization of the F.B.I.,” Mr. McCarthy said in his first remarks as speaker early Saturday. “Let me be very clear: We will use the power of the purse and the power of the subpoena to get the job done.”

You can bet they will try to investigate the January 6th Select Committee as well. You can bet they will weaponize their investigations to attack the made up culture wars and the DHS.

Wuhan labs, woke generals in the military, etc are their focus. Nothing about inflation, energy or crime.

On Meet The Press, Rep. Comer whined that Donald Trump’s tax returns were released (every presidential candidate for fifty years has released their tax information) so they are going to investigate Hunter to investigate Joe Biden.

“Look, at the same moment that the Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee released Donald Trump’s taxes, they then moments later turned around and said, “Comer’s investigation of the Biden family influence peddling is a revenge hearing.”

“But let me be clear, we’re not investigating Hunter Biden, we’re investigating Joe Biden,” Comer said.

Comer even cried that the country needs to change the tax code to make Trump pay taxes. Comer voted for the provisions of the tax code that allowed Trump to pay no taxes. The Trump tax scam directly benefited Trump.

If the Democrats want to make people like Donald Trump pay taxes they need to change the tax code — not the tax rate, the tax code.

Grievance politics at its finest.

Today we discovered that their first bill will be to reverse the additional revenue voted for in the Inflation Reduction Act to staff the IRS so they can audit rich people.

While the Republicans have launched a campaign about a false “army” of 87,000 agents, the debate should focus on one accurate and alarming number: the IRS has 2,284 fewer skilled auditors to handle the sophisticated returns of wealthy taxpayers than it did in 1954. The decade-long, House Republican-driven budget cuts have created dysfunction at the IRS, where relatively few millionaires are now audited. If House Republicans succeed in rolling back this critically needed funding and maintaining this dysfunction, the IRS would be woefully understaffed, hindering its ability to administer the tax code and collect legally owed taxes — particularly from high-income and high-wealth taxpayers. On behalf of honest taxpayers, policymakers should reject the House Republican effort to protect wealthy tax cheats.

The CBS poll tells a different tale on what America actually wants to be done with the 118th Congress.

Now check out what are high priorities for Republicans.

Now look at what MAGA Republicans want:


Why aren’t Republicans trying to help fight inflation? (The inflation rate is back to pre-2022 levels, not that anyone has noticed…)

Because they have no ideas and never cared about it one way of the other. They used it for political reasons and dropped it as soon as they were voted in.

You can bet Dr. Fauci will be investigated as well.

Since Republicans refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas, Democrats should do the same.


January 2023