Home » GOP Rep. Accuses ‘Redneck’ Colleague Of Drinking Following Altercation On House Floor

GOP Rep. Accuses ‘Redneck’ Colleague Of Drinking Following Altercation On House Floor

Every accusation is a confession with these people. Remember when Rep. Kat Cammack accused Democrats of drinking on the House floor? Well, it turns out that may be exactly what was responsible for the fight that nearly broke out between Republicans on the House floor following the 14th failed vote for McCarthy Friday night.

From CNN’s Kate Sullivan:

Burchett tried to clean up his comments later on CNN with Jim Acosta, downplaying the incident, saying that Rogers was just “tired.”

ACOSTA: You know, Congressman, you know, we’re used to seeing scenes play out like this in other countries. We don’t see it happen on the House floor in the United States very often. Obviously people were exhausted last night, tempers were flaring. It was late at night. Tell us what you saw. What was happening in the lead up to this moment?

REP. TIM BURCHETT (R-TN): Well, you’re correct, it was very late. Realize that both sides have some older members, and it was getting late. And I suspect most of them had missed the early bird special at the Sizzler’s so they were getting a little cantankerous. And Mike, who’s a friend of mine, came by and said some things, probably in haste, as a lot of us do and probably responded to him in some things, as well.

And Matt had — Matt Gaetz had asked to review some of those rules before we voted on speaker, and he felt like he wasn’t given enough time to do just that, and asked for a little more time. And you can see me later in one of the tapes going like that because I’d asked — I’d asked our leadership to give us a little bit of a break so we could put our heads together and go over some of those things.

It was just an unfortunate situation. And that’s what happens when people are tired and you — as you said, it was the 15th ballot that we were able to pass.

ACOSTA: Yes. But what was going through your mind when you saw

Congressman Rogers being restrained? Just being there at this moment?

BURCHETT: Yes. Well, you can see one of the earlier pictures where I’d actually stiff armed him, and, you know, I knew he’d lost his cool. It’s the second time he’d done that that week. He’d done it earlier in a conference meeting and made some similar demands toward some of us. And it was unfortunate. You know, it’s one of those regrettable things. But it’s something that will be — it will be remembered. I don’t think it should take away anything from leader — then leader, now-Speaker McCarthy’s victory because it was hard fought.

Who wants to take bets on whether he was drinking the other time he “lost his cool” earlier in the week as well?


January 2023