Home » Hakeem Jeffries Just Devastated House Republicans In A Minute

Hakeem Jeffries Just Devastated House Republicans In A Minute

House Democratic Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said that the MAGA chaos of the past week might only be the beginning and Kevin McCarthy put America at risk by putting the far-right in charge.

Video of Rep. Jeffries on Meet The Press:

Jeffries was asked by Chuck Todd for his thoughts on the concessions that McCarthy made to the right, and he answered:

Our general concern is the dysfunction that was historic that we saw this week is not at an end, just the beginning. While the congress was held captive this particular time, what is going to be a problem is if the American people will be held captive or the next two years to the extreme MAGA Republican agenda that apparently has been negotiated into the House rules and the functioning of the Congress.

That will undermine the health, safety, and well-being of the American people. It may undermine national security and a robust defense, and undermine our ability to advance an agenda anchored in kitchen table issues, not extremism.

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House Republicans have defined themselves by their dysfunction and extremism. Since Republicans seem to have no interest in governing the House, Leader Jeffries and the Democrats have stepped into that void and are already making a compelling argument that Democrats should be in the House majority.

Leader Jeffries didn’t need much time to deliver a devastating argument that shot down all of the House Republican claims that their dysfunction is normal. He also laid the groundwork for Democrats to put themselves on the path to being back in charge of the House by 2024 or sooner.


January 2023