Home » Bannon Tosses Crazed Hissy Fit Over Trump Handshake Snub

Bannon Tosses Crazed Hissy Fit Over Trump Handshake Snub

Steve Bannon cried crocodile tears of outrage when nobody shook traitor Trump’s hands after he crashed Jimmy Carter’s funeral.

Trump is a canker sore on the office of the presidency.

Boo fucking hoo.

BANNON: But I have to comment on this, folks. Right there, you had had this, you know, people walking in and, you know, the Obama and for all the fanboys out there saying Obama was talking to him.

No, Obama snubbed President Trump. Didn’t shake his hand went and shook Gore’s hand and shook Pence’s and President Trump walks in and Gore Al Gore stands right up boom, how you doing?

Mr. President shakes his hand, looks him in the eye, and gets a firm grip. Judas Pence, once again, Pence can’t commit to anything right? Can’t commit kind of looking back for feeling, you know with mother right next to him Got a stand up. Gives him that weak, weak handshake.

Dude, you got to commit to action Pence So then Trump sits down looking like Charlemagne again, looking like he was at Notre Dame. Nice in National Cathedral and Obama comes in snubs him, but then they start talking and so yes Obama and him to get some more.

Bush walks in. The worst president in the history of the country.

They just in a poll Yesterday saying that in modern time modern among modern presidents, I guess from Jack Kennedy forward maybe from Eisenhower forward that a Biden was ranked as the lowest Bush is the second worst president the history of the country only James Buchanan’s worse I Can go through details.

He walks right by in a blatant public snub of a guy just won re-election So, I don’t want to hear the Bushes and the Bush crowd. I don’t hear Karl Rove and all these people I’ve had respect for, institutions respect, you know, you guys don’t respect anything. You don’t respect anything.

You got your butts kicked by MAGA, we’re gonna the guys in Texas don’t hear the bomb.

Yeah, I got your butts kicked in Texas by MAGA Because you’re corrupt, Everybody associated with the Bush apparatus in Texas or anywhere.

You’re corrupt You’re part of the problem You’re telling me that loser the worst president in the history of the country Comes by in a church walks right in a pew what you shouldn’t have sure walked around.

But hey, that’s a It’s about class and style You’re Telling me that he walks by a man that was president states and then had it stolen it came back from nowhere and Against all odds and won a sweeping victory to unify Unify the Republican Party in the nation and you’re gonna big league him Is that what you’re gonna do?

This is this is to the corporate all Bush’s and Bush relate people you suck You have no class.

You’re little people.

You’re bitter Karl Rove.

You’re bitter little man Bush you’re the worst president in the history of the country when we go through it 9-11 on the whole thing spin.

Well that when that was all Clinton’s problem Hey Clinton had a lot to do but you were on watch dude When I was in the Navy relieved to watch one second afterwards.

It’s your responsibility It’s your responsibility So he said say he big leagues Trump.

He snubs Trump.

So please spare me You know, Nicolle Wallace and all you people that were from please spare me All of you you Bush people, please spare me how you revere the institutions and how it’s all about the institutions It’s all about the good of the country.

He just walked by a man who’s saving this country and saving this Republic from a lot of stuff that he caused?

Like the 2008 financial crash.

Oh, yeah to add that.

Let me let me throw that in.

I’m leaving Katrina out He’s still the worst president the only president in the history that I’ll get on stage debate anybody in this The only president in the history of the country worse than Bush 43 is James Buchanan.

There are so many alternative facts in his rant that you should just write it all off as a lie, save one. The one where he says Biden is the worst president. No.

Trump is the worst president in history since Bush and possibly in all of history. He definitely would be at the top of the “corrupt presidents” list, for sure. Thousands died needlessly when COVID hit, and the idiot Bannon spews more conspiracies about vaccines and reality in general than asswipe Scott Atlas.

This is the kind of media that is contributing to utter ignorance in this country. Watching Steve Bannon makes everyone dumber.
