Home » Mark Cuban Lays The Smackdown On Joe Kernan’s Idiocy

Mark Cuban Lays The Smackdown On Joe Kernan’s Idiocy

Trump lapdog Joe Kernen tried to fool Mark Cuban into believing that Kamala Harris has as many preposterous policies as Donald Trump.

It didn’t fly.

Mark Cuban took his time dissecting and brutalizing Trump’s economy-destroying tariff plan, while systematically exposing the unrealistic and immoral immigration deportation ideas Trump plans to implement.

“That’s insane,” Cuban said. “You cannot put at risk our entire technological advance, our entire technological economy and the future of AI in this country as a tariff decision. That just doesn’t work.”

These intelligent remarks by Cuban over Trump’s ignorant ideas led to this discussion with MAGA Joe.

KERNEN: Mark, it was just an example of how both sides, I can never remember an election where both sides fall back on either. Oh, yeah, they don’t really mean that. Or, well, you know, it’s going to be gridlocked, so none of that stuff’s really going to happen.

CUBAN: Joe, what did I say that had to do with either of those things? I told you specifically.

KERNEN: This is an election where both sides have to constantly distance themselves from the, they still support the candidate, but they distance themselves from certain parts of the candidate’s platform.

CUBAN: You don’t have to agree with everything from any candidate.

KERNEN: Yeah, it’s just, it’s just, I’ve never seen an election where both.

CUBAN: But Joe, what I’m talking, let’s go back to what I was talking about. Well, let’s go back to what I was talking about. You didn’t address that at all.

KERNEN: You took my, you took my filibuster question to healthcare. So I don’t, you know, that’s your own thing.

CUBAN: Well, no, you asked, you asked what I, you asked me specifically, what are the things about her that I agree with, that I support? I told you I didn’t support the filibuster.

KERNEN: I was asking what other things, I was asking what other things that she’s proposed in the past would cause you to campaign against her if you went through with it.

Kernen was fishing for examples from Cuban to muddy the waters and make it appear that Kamala Harris has ideas which rival Trump’s tortured logic. Since Harris has none, Cuban laid the wood down on demented Donald.

CUBAN:I mean, look what she did four years ago, just like Donald Trump and the oil thing. I mean, there’s lots of things, you know, that candidates change over a period of years.

That’s one of the great things about Kamala Harris.

She’s not an ideologue.

She is open-minded.

That’s why she’s changed.

Donald Trump thinks he knows everything.

He doesn’t change.


Case closed.


October 2024