Home » Retired Gen. Milley Warns: Trump Is A ‘Total Fascist’

Retired Gen. Milley Warns: Trump Is A ‘Total Fascist’

We’ve got the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff saying Trump “is now the most dangerous person to this country,” and most of the American media just blows it off.

Retired Gen. Mark Milley Calls Trump ‘A Total Fascist’:

Retired Army Gen. Mark Milley, who served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, now says Trump is a “total fascist” and “fascist to the core,” according to a forthcoming book by Bob Woodward, the famed Watergate journalist.

“He is the most dangerous person ever,” Milley told Woodward for his book “War,” according to The Guardian. “I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country.”

“A fascist to the core,” Milley said.

Part of Milley’s warning about Trump revolves around the former president’s promise to get revenge on his perceived political enemies. Trump has frequently told his supporters on the campaign trail: “I am your retribution.” Milley, who clashed with Trump in the White House and who has since been publicly critical of the current Republican presidential nominee, told Woodward that he’s afraid of being recalled from retirement to be court-martialed if Trump wins the election next month.

According to the Guardian’s report on Woodward’s book, Milley warned his former colleagues in Washington that Trump was “a walking, talking advertisement of what he’s going to try to do,” adding: “He’s saying it and it’s not just him, it’s the people around him.”

And, as Chris Hayes and Ian Bassin rightfully noted on this Friday’s All In, most of the American media has been asleep at the wheel with warning of the dangers of another Trump presidency:

CHRIS HAYES (HOST): General Mark Milley, that’s Trump’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this is a pretty serious dude, his top general, worked with Trump, was in the room with him, says Trump is, quote, a fascist to the core. Not my assessment, fascist to the core and the most dangerous person in the country. That’s who we’re dealing with.


IAN BASSIN (GUEST): I think the thing you’re pointing out now about J.D. Vance and Mike Johnson is that unlike in 2020, Trump now has stocked people around him and created a Republican Party that is fully on board. He still had 147 votes in the Republican Party last time. He has even more this time because he’s gotten rid of anybody who would stand in his way, and I think this poses the very danger that General Milley alluded to. And I want to point out, Chris, something that you just flagged on the screen.

General Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under Trump, called him a fascist to the core and you put up on a screen a news article reporting it from The Independent, a newspaper out of England. The other newspaper that has covered it so far is The Guardian out of England. Where’s the American press putting this on banner headlines tomorrow?

I mean, it’s as if a doctor called your house to tell you you had a fatal heart condition and needed emergency surgery and the person taking the message wrote it on a post-it and buried it in some paperwork under the phone. No, if you get that message, you find the person who needs the surgery, you grab them by the collar and you slap the post-it on their forehead. And that’s what the media needs to do for the days and weeks ahead to warn the American people.


October 2024