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How different are Harris and Trump on child care? Watch this

While many media outlets continue shirking their responsibility to inform the public about GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s obvious cognitive decline, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes isn’t shying away from the subject. The host of “All In with Chris Hayes” took some time during his Friday show to juxtapose Vice President Kamala Harris’ and Trump’s answers to the question: What specifically do you plan to do to ease child care costs for families?

Using Trump’s bizarre response to the query from his so-called economic address in Manhattan on Thursday and Democratic nominee Harris’ statement on the issue during a North Carolina rally in August, Hayes played a clip that provided a very stark contrast between the two candidates.

Trump, you might recall, helpfully explained that “child care is child care” before blathering about the “big” revenue his ill-advised import tariffs would bring into the United States. Meanwhile, Harris proposed tax relief for “100 million Americans” by expanding the very popular child tax credit and restoring the American Rescue Plan’s enhancement of the earned income tax credit. 

You can agree or disagree with Harris’ policy, but it is, in fact, an actual policy

“You know, in Trump’s defense, he was not on teleprompter—he was just riffing there,” Hayes said. “But I don’t know, man. That’s like that’s the quality of the brains right now that we got over there.”

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