Home » Trump Appointed Judge Resigns In Disgrace, Rated Women On ‘F*ckability’

Trump Appointed Judge Resigns In Disgrace, Rated Women On ‘F*ckability’

Judge Joshua Kindred, a Trump appointee, was forced to resign his lifetime role over sexually harassing and preying on his clerks after lying to investigators after his disturbing conduct was reported. Kindred rated women based on their “fuckability” in the presence of subordinates, according to the lengthy report.

‘He also had no hesitation in using language that was inappropriate in a professional setting, such as encouraging rating people based on “fuckability,” stating that he was not “hoe-ignorant,” or telling stories about “giving blow jobs in a hot tub,’ the order states. “In the few instances where clerks came to Judge Kindred to discuss his inappropriate behavior, they were belittled or ostracized, and, in one instance, a clerk left the clerkship.”

The report goes into detail about how Kindred pursued an “inappropriately sexualized relationship” with an unnamed law clerk who later became an assistant U.S. attorney. Kindred and the now-former clerk exchanged a whopping 278 pages of text messages over an 11-month period, “only a small fraction of which had any relationship to her legitimate job duties,” the order states.

The Anchorage Daily News reports:

Kindred was also found by investigators to have received “nude photographs” from another more senior federal prosecutor. He also “exchanged flirtatious” text messages with a third local attorney, the order said.

The order further states that he lied to Chief Circuit Judge Mary H. Murguia, the special committee, and the council after Murguia received a complaint about him in November 2022. Kindred maintained he “never had any sexual contact” with the clerk but admitted to it when asked under oath in April 2024.
Monday’s order says that the former clerk with whom he had “an inappropriate sexualized relationship” never appeared as a federal prosecutor in his courtroom. But that apparently wasn’t the case for the other two attorneys.

“He took no steps to report either of these inappropriate interactions and relationships that he had with these two attorneys who often appeared before him,” the report says.

The council wrote, “We conclude that Judge Kindred’s misconduct was pervasive and abusive, constituted sexual harassment, and fostered a hostile work environment that took a personal and professional toll on multiple clerks.”

NBC News reports:

Kindred submitted his resignation letter to President Joe Biden last week, saying he would step down Monday. The court order cited an incident in October 2022 in which Kindred is alleged to have kissed a former law clerk and grabbed her rear after he asked her to get drinks with him shortly after she left her clerkship and began work at the U.S. attorney’s office.

The order cites a second incident in which Kindred was accused of “putting his hands on me” and performing oral sex on the law clerk after having urged her to join him at an associate’s apartment.

“The law clerk reported that immediately after arriving at the apartment, Judge Kindred went to one of the bedrooms,” the report states. “Judge Kindred kept shouting to the clerk to “come to the bedroom, come to the bedroom” as he was lying on the be and asked the clerk to lie down with him. Initially, she sat on the corner of the bed but at Judge Kindred’s insistence, she lay down.”

At this point, the law clerk explained that:

[H]e started putting his hands on me. And so I remember the first time he like grabbed my boob, and I like grabbed his like forearm, and I remember thinking like he felt really strong and I tried to like pull his arm off of me. . . .I just remember thinking like there’s nothing I can do about this, like this is about to happen. . . . I remember him saying something about like “Finally,” like – because I remember just feeling like, yeah, finally, like you win like the game. Like I always felt like this – like this thing that he couldn’t touch and finally he felt like he could touch. . . . He took my pants off. I’m pretty sure I was still wearing a shirt. . . . And then he performed oral sex on me


A total of zero Republicans voted against Kindred’s nomination, including Sen. Lisa Murkowski:

And Sen. Dan Sullivan who has known Kindred personally for years:

“I know Josh will serve with honor and integrity”
