Home » Clown JD Vance Calls Trump ‘A Good Husband And Father’

Clown JD Vance Calls Trump ‘A Good Husband And Father’

Down is up and up is down over in GOP-alternate reality land. This is apparently the amount of fealty you have to show to Dear Leader in order to be considered for a VP spot.

Here’s Ohio Sen. JD Vance sucking up to Trump on this Sunday’s Meet the Press, and somehow managing to avoid being struck by lightning during this exchange with host Kristen Welker:

KRISTEN WELKER: Let me ask you something that caught our eye. This is something you wrote in the New York Times op-ed in 2017 about former president Barack Obama. You criticized his policies, but you also said, quote, “It is one of the great failures of recent political history that the Republican Party was too often unable to disconnect legitimate political disagreements from the fact that the president himself is an admirable man. For at a pivotal time in my life Barack Obama gave me hope that a boy who grew up like me could still achieve the most important of my dreams. For that,” you write, “I will miss him and the example he set.” You wrote that just days before Donald Trump was inaugurated. Do you still consider Barack Obama to be an admirable man who you miss?

SEN. JD VANCE: Well, you know I grew up in a broken family, Kristen, and I just wanted to be a good husband and dad. And certainly, Barack Obama, despite my many political disagreements with him, he’s clearly a good husband and a father. By the way, I’d say the same thing about Donald Trump whose children love him. And I think this is one of the things the media often misses about Trump is how genuinely devoted he is to his family, to his grandchildren, and how part of his pro-life messaging, his fundamental pro-life view is that we ought to make it easier for more American families to have those thriving children and thriving families. So, certainly I think we’ve been blessed with a lot of good examples across our country. And yes, absolutely. Was Barack Obama a good president? No. Was he a good husband and father? Yes.

Gotta’ love some of the responses to this nonsense on Xitter.
