Home » Eric Trump On How History Will View His Father Will Give You The Sickies

Eric Trump On How History Will View His Father Will Give You The Sickies

Even Eric Trump doesn’t believe what came out of his stupid mouth. The legacy Felon 45 will leave behind isn’t a good one.

What’s alarming is that his supporters don’t care that he’s an adjudicated rapist, a misogynist, a homophone, a xenophobe, a tax cheat, a serial liar, an incompetent bungling old man with a penchant for grifting his base and fucking porn stars, a divisive, polarizing figure that danced while Americans were dying during a pandemic, a man who seeks constant adoration, and a man who will do anything for a tax break, including where he buried the mother of his adult children, a monster, and the Republican nominee who is seeking the Black vote despite his long history of racism.

He is an appalling figure, and historians will have a field day while trying to make sense of how a raging narcissist could be elected to the highest seat in the land. But if you’re Eric Trump, his father will be known for his “unvarnished honesty.”

“There’s so many times you can lie to somebody before they just stop believing you and I actually think ultimately it will do a great justice for this country,” Eric said on some obscure podcast. “I think my father will go down, maybe his greatest accomplishment will actually be the unvarnished honesty that he’s really taken toward the whole system.”

“The fact that he was able to take this system in Washington, D.C. that’s existed for a long time and really pull the rug out from under it and expose it for what it is, expose these people for what it is, expose the games for what it is,” he added.

No one believes that, fool. Eric should take it personally that his father buried his mother in an unkept area of his golf course for a tax break. Oh, but Eric, Cocaine Jr, and Invanka could take care of her grave, which is overrun by weeds. The problem here is that they are as bad as their father. Children of narcissistic parents sometimes become narcissists themselves unless they address their issues early on.


June 2024