Home » ICYMI: The GOP chooses white supremacy over democracy, and Biden has a novel take on the June debate

ICYMI: The GOP chooses white supremacy over democracy, and Biden has a novel take on the June debate

The GOP has a ‘candidate quality’ Senate problem—again

You’d think they’d have learned their lesson from the last election. And yet …

New study finds one-third of Congress is now iffy on democracy

This will give you nightmares.

The white supremacy strategy at the core of Trump’s plans for a second term

If Trump has his way, racism will be super-sized.

Cartoon: Georgia—the peach state

Tough but fair.

Signs point to the return of Javanka, outrageous corruption and all

What fun it would be to have these two back in the public eye again.

Ukraine Update: Putin claims he doesn’t want to capture Kharkiv anyway

Ukraine’s second-largest city continues to put up a fight.

Happy birthday, Daily Kos! 22 years young!

So many incredible stories, so little time. Plus a special video message from Markos!

Uh-oh. Yet another handpicked GOP Senate candidate is a hot mess

“Purveyor of antisemitism” is only one of Royce White’s illustrious qualities.

‘Little maggot-infested man’ Tom Cotton rises to top of Trump VP list

How reprehensible is Tom Cotton? Let us count the ways.

Biden takes unconventional approach to first Trump debate

Will holding Trump accountable work?

Watch GOP congressman fail to explain bonkers Trump assassination claim

When in doubt there’s always … Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Why you shouldn’t let this new poll on the economy drive you mad

Sometimes you need to wave the facts right in people’s faces.

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