Home » Doomcasting the Trump Trial: Who Would Play These People on TV?

Doomcasting the Trump Trial: Who Would Play These People on TV?

season, and I’d wager that he’d be just as incredible here. That said, nothing will ever top watching him say “Juice” dozens of times per episode.

A photo of Billy Crudup

Billy Crudup

Jeff Spicer / Getty

The grand lord of sleazy supermarket tabloids testified in April about his “great, mutually beneficial relationship” with Trump. He said that in 2015, after Trump had announced his presidency, he met with both Trump and Cohen to discuss an arrangement in which he would allow Trump’s camp to “catch and kill” any negative stories that came Pecker’s way concerning the presidential hopeful while also running negative coverage of his Republican rivals for the nomination. Look at this man’s face for a minute and tell me that he doesn’t look exactly like Billy Crudup with a mustache and a graying wig. Crudup already plays a slimeball on The Morning Show, and something tells me he’d knock this one out of the park.
