Home » What Is Biden To Blame For Today? Ice Cream Sales Of Course!

What Is Biden To Blame For Today? Ice Cream Sales Of Course!

My favorite “Thanks, Biden” blame game from Republicans used to be inflation. That’s right, according to the right, Sleepy Joe, who they say has dementia, is responsible for global inflation. That sneaky POTUS!

Well, that was then. And now my favorite ‘blame it on Joe Biden’ rant goes to Newsmax’s Chris Plante, who claims that Biden is “very much in decline in every imaginable way,” and because the President’s favorite ice cream is chocolate chip, it’s his fault that it’s not one of the top five ice creams being sold, Media Matters reports.

“(President) Joseph Robinette Biden, much like his favorite flavor of ice cream, is very much in decline – very much in decline in every imaginable way,” Plante said. “In a new survey by the International Dairy Foods Association — we have one of those — they found that Joe Biden’s beloved chocolate chip ice cream didn’t even crack America’s top five favorite ice creams.”

“That’s kind of sad, isn’t it? Ice cream producers, they even scoop so low as to call it a seasonal ice cream,” he added. “It’s not even all-year ice cream anymore. The flavor now sits in eighth place after being ranked fifth two years ago. I think Joe Biden is probably guilty of the decline in chocolate chip ice cream popularity.”

I’m glad he brought up ice cream ratings, which, as we all know, are super important. Newsmax’s ratings are in the shitter.

The Daily Beast reports:

According to Nielsen, the network only averaged 156,000 daily viewers (including the weekends) and a minuscule 9,000 in the key demo. Compared to last spring, Newsmax experienced a drop of 19 percent in total viewership and 61 percent in the 25-54 category.

While Fox is the only cable news channel to see its Monday-Sunday primetime demo ratings go up year-over-year, the network’s other non-Newsmax rivals have also seen a bump in their viewership across other time slots, perhaps rubbing more salt in the wound for Newsmax.

Chris Plante, much like his favorite network, is very much in decline – very much in decline in every imaginable way. Bummer. And we don’t worship President Biden and hold boat parades while photoshopping his head onto an old image of Rocky Balboa with rippling muscles while holding a machine gun. We hired him to do a job. In contrast, we fired Donald Trump for not doing the job he was hired for.

This is fun. Let’s play this game again, Chris.
