Home » Ohio GOP Elections Official Moves To Take Biden Off Ballot

Ohio GOP Elections Official Moves To Take Biden Off Ballot

Republicans really are petty, and the GOP secretary of state in Ohio is taking it to a whole different level. Frank LaRose claims in video clips to be about fair elections; however, he’s threatening to exclude President Joe Biden from the ballot. This will get tangled up in legalities, cost a lot of time and money, and eventually, Biden will be on the ballot.

Republicans would like us to believe that Trump will win in a landslide, so if that’s true, they wouldn’t need to pull this shit.

Via the New York Times:

The Ohio General Assembly adjourned on Wednesday without addressing an issue that the state’s top elections official said would prevent President Biden from being placed on the ballot there, escalating a partisan clash that could result in the president not being on the ballot in all 50 states in November.

Frank LaRose, the Republican secretary of state, has said that he plans to exclude Mr. Biden from the ballot because he will be officially nominated after a deadline for certifying presidential nominees on the ballot. This is usually a minor procedural issue, and states have almost always offered a quick solution to ensure that major presidential candidates remain on the ballot.

The Biden campaign is considering suing the state in order to ensure Mr. Biden is on the ballot, while also searching for some other way to resolve the issue without moving the date of the nominating convention, according to a person with knowledge of the deliberations.

A legal fight could be expensive and arduous. The Supreme Court recently ruled that states could not bar Mr. Trump from running for another term under a constitutional provision, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, that prohibits insurrectionists from holding office. But it took six months of legal wrangling before the court put that issue to bed.

Maybe he’s trying to get a gig in the next Trump administration. However, I don’t see Lumpy winning another term. Just vote, and bring your friends in to cast a ballot, too.

UPDATE: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine calls the situation “absurd and ridiculous” – that his own party caused.
