Home » Giuliani Claims Jan 6 Insurrection Was Produced By Hollywood

Giuliani Claims Jan 6 Insurrection Was Produced By Hollywood

In an effort to seed more hate and outrage among Trump supporters, defendant Rudy Giuliani claimed the FBI was fully armed and out to get Trump, the New York justice system is like Stalin and Hitler, and January 6 was a false flag created by Hollywood.

Rudy Giuliani has gone so far down the MAGA rabbit hole will never be able to dig himself out.

RUDY GIULIANI: Your trials in New York could have been in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. They may have had more crooked judges there than Marchen, but I bet it’d be tough to find them. What are you doing to our country?

Now, please, ladies and gentlemen of America, would you please get outraged about this? An armed invasion of the man’s home with a teenage son there with no indication of arms or any armed resistance, none, except to create a dramatic effect.


To claim standard FBI language during a raid is another conspiracy to murder Trump is the newest BIG LIE being spewed by wingnut liars. The Republican Party, led by evangelicals, has always run on victimization. The main goal is to cause outrage amongst their supporters.
If the maggot cult becomes more outraged, most will have coronaries and strokes.

GUILIANI: You know, January 6th, they had a damn Hollywood producer doing it, and they snowed everybody on the left, and boy, they got a lot of our people pissing in their pants. And since I had the inside information at 5 o’clock, you can’t believe how my respect level for them went down.

Boom. Man, I’m glad I’m not in a foxhole with them. Whoa, do they get scared fast.

You’re going to find out that January 6th was a setup just like Russian collusion, just like the hard drive, and just like the stolen election, and just like what they’re doing right now, spacing four trials in one year.

Giuliani attacked any Republican who believed what their eyes and ears saw during the January 6 insurrection. Believing in the truth about the insurrection at the US Capitol is now considered a cowardly act by the maggots. His coup de grace was to claim Hollywood set up the insurrection as a false flag

A fascist, Neo-Nazi supporting asshole claiming others are acting “like Nazis,” is the last gasp from a desperate lunatic. Imitating Alex Jones’ brand of paranoia will not help mister shoe-polish face.
