Home » Crybaby Trump Junior Cries About Daddy

Crybaby Trump Junior Cries About Daddy

Donald Trump Junior whined on his podcast, like the silver spooned entitled miscreant that he is, about his daddy stuck in an uncomfortable trial.

“They want to tie him up in a courtroom, miserable, bored, and unable to talk to the millions of Americans who are suffering under Joe Biden and the Democrat Party rule,” Junior bellyached.

Diminished Donald never stops talking and never shuts up but because he’s facing an indictment he can’t do it he wants. Facing criminal indictments is not supposed to be a fun experience.

No imitation Michelangelos covering its walls and ceiling and no gaudy gold statutes sitting on tables. Unlike Trump’s tacky rendition of Caesar’s Palace, a courtroom represents the US Justice system at work.

Serious business for serious people.

Not crybabies and wannabe dictators.
