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Cowardly Trump Refuses To Testify

As he has done with every indictment and trial, Trump bragged that he would testify at this latest trial.

But, when the time came, he shrunk into a pus-filled zit and sat in his chair, cold, uncomfortable, and weak.

Over a month ago, on the night before his election interference case aka Hush Money Trial was to begin, Trump told the press he would testify.

“Mr. President, do you plan to testify.” a reporter asked.

“Yeah, I would testify, absolutely,” Trump replied.

And this from him: “I’m testifying. I tell the truth, I mean, all I can do is tell the truth. And the truth is that there is no case.”

Jonathan Larsen at The Fucking News observed:

Here’s how liars work. They tell you they’re lying. “I would testify” is not “I will testify.” Would means there’s a conditional. An “if.” As in, “I would testify…if the thought of it didn’t send my wee mushroom up into my lower intestines for safety and warmth.”

And “I’m testifying” could mean “…in my trial.” But it could also mean “…right here and now before you and Jesus and everybody.” At no point that I can find did Trump say the words, “I will testify in my defense in New York’s case against me.”

In fact, as recently as Thursday, Trump’s lawyers said that he hadn’t decided whether he would testify. Which meant he hadn’t decided whether his unspoken “if”s were lining up in his favor

Today the Trump defense team rested with nary a peep from Diminished Donald on the witness stand.

I imagine the Vegas odds that Trump would actually testify were +1,000,000.
