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Raskin: Investigate GOPers Who Were Drinking On House Floor

Rep. Jamie Raskin called for an investigation after Melanie Stansbury, a Democrat, said non-committee members were drinking in the chamber during a hearing where Marge Greene kicked things off by insulting lawmaker Jasmine Crockett. Via the Independent:

“I didn’t see the drinking but the gentlelady from New Mexico, Melanie Stansbury, raised it,” Mr Raskin told Fox News outside the US Capitol on Friday. “She said ‘there are members drinking in the room,’ and that’s something that is worth investigating if there was in fact drinking taking place.”

[…] “There was drinking going on in the hearing room on the Republican side,” he told The Hill. “You had a bunch of members who had skipped legislative votes yesterday in order to go to Donald Trump’s trial…I don’t even want to imagine how much drinking was taking place on the train or up in New York,” he said.

“And these members came back out of control. And the chairman did not rein them in, and the institution pays the price.”

Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, girl.
