Home » Ooof! Kristi Noem Caught In Another Massive Lie In Her Book

Ooof! Kristi Noem Caught In Another Massive Lie In Her Book

Keeping up with the lies in South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s book is challenging. And, of course, there are the sections where she writes about murdering a puppy, horses, and at least one goat. She’s done politically, and she’s now a big fat liar, too.

NBC News reports:

France’s government is disputing a portion of South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s book that describes a canceled meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron.

The book, which has already had a passage removed over unverified claims of the Republican governor meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, says a planned meet-up between Noem and Macron last year was nixed after he allegedly made “pro-Hamas” comments.

“While in Paris, I was slated to meet with French president Emmanuel Macron,” Noem wrote in her book “No Going Back.” “However, the day before we were to meet he made what I considered a very pro-Hamas and anti-Israel comment to the press. So, I decided to cancel.”

A representative from the Élysée Palace disputed Noem’s account, saying there’s no record of a scheduled meeting, nor was there an invitation extended to her.

When reached for comment Friday, a spokesperson for Noem said that “the Governor was invited to sit in President Macron’s box for the Armistice Day Parade at Arc de Triomphe.”

“Following his anti-Israel comments, she chose to cancel,” Ian Fury, the governor’s chief of communications, said in a statement, while adding that Macron “did not end up attending, either.”

For the record, Macron condemned Hamas over its Oct. 7 attack on Israeli citizens. She also lied about meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, where she said he underestimated her and she stares down tyrants. They never met. She also lied when she said that Nikki Haley threatened her, and then she called herself an alpha female (LOL) in contrast to the former South Carolina Governor.

Her other lie: The “alpha female” claimed to cut her book tour short, citing weather concerns. In my best Maury Povich voice, And the lie detector says, that is a lie.
