Home » Mike Johnson Has A Trump Problem As Ex-President Signals Dumping Him

Mike Johnson Has A Trump Problem As Ex-President Signals Dumping Him

Marjorie Taylor Greeneā€™s motion to vacate against Speaker Mike Johnson failed, but Trump left the door open to dumping him.

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According to Punchbowl News:

Johnson has been hugging former President Donald Trump as closely as possible for the last few months. Johnson held a news conference with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, appeared at the Trump campaignā€™s donor retreat, devoted the top of his news conference earlier this week to saying the charges against Trump are bogus, and stood with Trumpā€™s allies on the Capitol steps Wednesday to push a bill making something illegal thatā€™s already illegal. All this helped him.

Yet on Wednesday, Trump issued a statement on Truth Social that backed Johnson while still leaving the door open to dumping him, ā€œWith a Majority of One, shortly growing to three or four, weā€™re not in a position of voting on a Motion to Vacate. At some point, we may very well be, but this is not the time.ā€

Mike Johnson went to Mar-a-Lago and back Trumpā€™s bogus election integrity claims. Johnson humiliated himself by introducing legislation that would ban non-citizens from voting even though it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote, and what is the thanks that he gets from Trump?

The ex-president puts out a statement saying that essentially says that he is fine with House Republicans throwing Johnson overboard, but now isnā€™t the time. In other words, Trump is as wishy-washy as ever. If more House Republicans decide to kick Johnson to the curb, Trump wonā€™t lift a finger to protect the speaker.

The Republican Party is all about Trump, and no one else.

Mike Johnson has a Trump problem and it is only a matter of time until he suffers the same fate as everyone else that gets too close to Trump.

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