Home » Kellyanne Conway Likens Porn Star Payments To Student Loan Forgiveness

Kellyanne Conway Likens Porn Star Payments To Student Loan Forgiveness

Here’s more proof that watching Fox makes you dumber than a box of rocks. It’s nothing but faux outrage 24/7 and constantly pretending that Democrats are somehow doing what we all know Republicans do every election cycle, which is to cheat.

The Small Business Administration and the Michigan Department of State made this announcement last month on a new voter registration agreement:

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote civic engagement and voter registration in Michigan. The agreement, a first-of-its-kind collaboration for the federal agency, will run through Jan. 1, 2036.

“Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy. Like voting, they play a direct role in improving people’s lives,” Secretary Benson said. “I’m proud we are working with the Small Business Administration for this first-in-the-nation effort connecting Michigan’s small business community with the tools and information they need to play an even greater active role in our democracy.” […]

As part of the MOU, the Michigan Department of State (MDOS) will create a unique URL for the SBA to use to drive online visitors to register to vote. The SBA’s Michigan field office may also allow MDOS officials to conduct in-person voter registration at the SBA’s small business outreach events. Michigan boasts a thriving small business community, with more than 900,000 small businesses that employ 1.9 million Michiganders.

One of President Biden’s first actions upon taking office was issuing Executive Order 14019, which called upon federal agencies like the SBA to “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote.” Under this Executive Order, Michigan has also partnered with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide voter registration information and assistance to veterans and their families at three pilot sites: the Saginaw VA Medical Center, the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center in Detroit, and the Detroit VA Regional Office. Michigan is the first and only state in the nation partnering with the VA to make it easier for veterans to exercise their fundamental right to vote.

Which, of course, was met with this reaction from House Republicans, and this hair-on-fire headline from Fox:

Key Biden agency slapped with historic subpoenas over ‘improper’ swing state voter registration push:

The House Committee on Small Business subpoenaed the Small Business Administration on Tuesday over what it says is a lack of transparency on alleged efforts by the Biden administration to funnel resources to a key swing state to register voters in a move they say could be unconstitutional.

On Tuesday, the committee subpoenaed SBA Chief of Staff Arthur Plews and his special adviser, Tyler Robinson, after they are said to have been no-shows at scheduled transcribed interviews with the committee and failed to turn over documents related to a program that is allegedly “diverting its resources away from assisting Main Street so it can register Democrat voters” in the key swing state of Michigan. […]

The coordination between the SBA and Michigan was sparked by a 2021 executive order from Biden directing federal agencies to promote “access to voting,” which raised concerns from some that the administration is using the government agency to register votes in a swing state that many believe will be one of the states the November election hinges upon.

Yes, heaven forbid anyone is helping more people to vote. Which was followed by Fox’s Jesse Watters going after them for helping the “wrong” kind of people vote. Apparently he doesn’t believe any Republicans are on welfare or rely on the government for their incomes, ever visits a national park, or has a kid that gets a free lunch at school.

JESSE WATTERS (HOST): Nothing is going in the right direction for Joe Biden. He’s trailing Trump in every single one of the swing state averages. With so many Democrats bailing, the campaign needs a backup plan: find more Democrats. How do they do that and where do they get them from? Joe Biden ordered every single one of his federal agencies to register new voters. If you visit healthcare.gov, they try to register you to vote. The Department of Interior wants you to register to vote at national parks. If you’re in the free lunch program, the USDA persuades your parents to register. And HUD’s trying to register homeless people. You see what’s happening here right?

Biden is using your tax dollars to register Democrats to vote in the election. You say wait, Jesse, he wants everyone to register to vote. No, no, no, he’s targeting people who interact with the federal government, people who are depending on government assistance, assistants, families that get food stamps, families in the free lunch program, families that get free healthcare, homeless people. Is this a demographic that you’d consider traditionally Republican? I don’t know, maybe.

It also looks to me like Biden wants as many ballots floating around as possible. Taxpayers, Democrats and Republicans across the country are funding a massive get out the vote project for Biden. Whether they like it or not. Just this week Biden’s Small Business Administration got busted running voter registration drives in Michigan. Why Michigan? Well, here’s how they explain it: “This partnership will help connect Michiganders to vital voter registration information so that more small business owners can exercise their right to vote.” It’s not like Michigan doesn’t know there’s an election. Every time they turn on their TV, there’s a campaign ad, and Trump and Biden visit every other week. Where do these voter registration drives take place? Democrat strongholds, not red counties. Republicans in Congress tried to investigate and bring the officials in for questions, but the Biden guys blew them off and didn’t even show.

Watters then brought on Kellyanne Conjob, Trump apologist and speed-liar (And soon to be David Plouffe’s podcast partner. Shame on you David Plouffe.) to weigh in on the voter registration, and Conway managed to conflate Trump’s hush money payments to Stormy Daniels with Biden’s student loan forgiveness.

It was actually painful to listen to this nonsense:

WATTERS: Fox News contributor and former councilor to president trump Kellyanne Conway. Kellyanne, this looks shady. Is it?

CONWAY: Yes, of course it is. Basically Joe Biden again is weaponizing aspects of the federal government, and in this case Jesse to undermine democracy and swing an election his way. Turns out we are uncovering people paying off others to swing an election, and it’s not in Alvin Bragg’s courtroom. It’s on our college campuses, working with these nonprofit groups, and as you say hitting people where they live based on the benefits they receive and trying to say gee, if you like this then vote for us. Keep us in power.

We know why they are doing this Jesse. For the same reason they are prosecuting and overly persecuting Donald Trump. They can beat him on inflation, the economy, the border, national security, Ukraine, the Middle East, crime, health care, you name the issue, the Democrats are failing and flailing on it.

But this is serious stuff because it goes hand-in-hand with Joe Biden’s attempted buy-off of former college students and current college students. Just last week he forgave $6 billion in student loans of 317,000 art graduates, art students. You combine they get out the vote program by all the government agencies on the college campuses, with the student loan forgiveness, you’ve got a president not paying $130,000 to a porn person—I don’t say star because that’s an opinion that I don’t share…

But you combine that, and you know Jesse, here’s what’s scary about it. We won’t know if all of this works until it’s too late, until it’s too late and you see all of the shenanigans, the mechanics, the process, the ballot harvesting, the early vote, as you say, so many ballots floating out, more ballots than people, and it creates chaos and a conundrum for most voters. When should I vote? Where should I vote? How do I vote? Did I vote? Should I not vote. It creates this chaos and we don’t know how things went until all the votes are counted, and then it’s too late.

WATTERS: You’re right, it’s like as you are receiving the transaction for the free stuff from the government, and they’re saying oh with this hand you take, and then here’s a registration form as I give you this free stuff. You’re exactly right.

So just registering people to vote creates “chaos.” More right wing projection from Conway.

The ones creating “chaos” are Republicans doing things like purging voter rolls so people show up to vote and find out they’re not registered, or trying to scare people who are legally allowed to vote into not voting. Or making sure there aren’t enough polling places so that working people and students have to wait in line for hours to vote. Or refusing to count early votes ahead of time so they can pretend those votes came in late when the opposite is true. That’s the chaos.

These people are evil. And they’ll say anything to help Trump and Republicans get elected.
