Home » Tim Scott’s the latest VP wannabe to say he’ll only accept a Trump win

Tim Scott’s the latest VP wannabe to say he’ll only accept a Trump win

Sen. Tim Scott appeared on “Meet the Press” on Sunday to promote his book and keep himself visible as the most desperate candidate for Donald Trump’s vice president slot. During that appearance, host Kristen Welker repeatedly tried to get Scott to agree to one simple request: would he support democracy?

“Senator, will you commit to accepting the election results of 2024?” Welker asked. “Bottom line.”

After shaking his head and making an uncertain groaning noise, Scott at last said, “At the end of the day, the 47th president of the United States will be President Donald Trump.”

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Following his refusal to comment, Scott began listing a set of mythical things that Trump did for America. Welker cut off his string of Trump praise in an effort to secure something like a straight answer. “Wait, wait, Senator. Yes or no. Yes or no, will you accept the election results of 2024 no matter who wins?” 

Even as she spoke, Scott shook his head again. “That is my statement,” he said, following a long pause.

Welker continued pressing, admirably trying to extract a commitment to democracy and the Constitution from someone sworn to protect both. “But just yes or no. Will you accept the election results of 2024? 

“I look forward to President Trump being the 47th president,” said Scott.

Even as Welker attempted to draw something more honest from Scott, he carried on speaking over her. “Kristen, you can ask it multiple times, but my answer to that question is going to be the same. The American people will make the decision, and the decision will be for President Trump.” 

Another attempt to extract a commitment to accept the results of the election only generated a claim from Scott that NBC is an “extension of the Democrat Party.” 

Welker still tried again, reminding Scott about the need to have a peaceful transfer of power and his role as a potential vice presidential candidate. He still refused to answer, brushing off “will you commit to the outcome of the election” as a “hypothetical question.”

In this interview, Scott showed that he is absolutely willing to accept the one commandment that any prospective Trump VP must obey—a willingness to place Trump above the Constitution. In Trump’s mind, that’s where Mike Pence fell short. Making it clear that if they had a chance, they would strangle democracy for Trump, is the first hurdle that anyone hoping to secure a spot on his short list must clear.

Scott’s statements on “Meet the Press” echo Trump’s own statements in his terrifying Time interview in which Trump repeated false claims about the 2020 election and insisted that if he didn’t win in 2024 it would be because the election was unfair.

Trump already made agreeing that he won the 2020 election a requirement for anyone hoping to keep their jobs at the RNC. After purging those who disagreed with this tactic following the 2020 election, CNN reported that agreeing that Trump was robbed of victory in that election is now a “litmus test” for the organization. 

Refusing to recognize the outcome of an election before it has been run is nothing new for Trump. He made similar statements before both the 2016 and 2020 elections. Trump even called President Barack Obama’s reelection in 2012 a “total sham” and declared that America is “not a democracy.”

Trump claimed that other candidates stole primaries that he lost in 2016. Before the 2016 election, he declared that it was “absolutely being rigged.” After that election, he claimed that he “won the popular vote in a landslide.” And before the 2020 election, he declared, “The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.”

That Trump-can’t-lose narrative was the heart of the insurgency that brought about the storming of the Capital on Jan. 6. It should be the Republican Party’s greatest shame. Instead, it’s their number one requirement.

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