Home » Quelle Surprise!: Gov Puppy Killer’s Book Contains Big Fat Lies

Quelle Surprise!: Gov Puppy Killer’s Book Contains Big Fat Lies

It’s not too surprising that South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who recently referred to the doggo she murdered, Cricket, as “it,” is also a liar. What a shocker. In her new book, Noem says she met with North Korea’s dictator and, separately, that Nikki Haley threatened her; however, neither claim appears to be true. Noem’s spokesperson seems to admit that the story about Kim wasn’t true, according to Politico.

He said, “We’ve been made aware that the publisher will be addressing conflated world leaders’ names in the book before it is released.”

Haley’s camp isn’t too pleased with Noem’s story where she claims that the former Ambassador threatened her when she reached out to the Republican Governor.

Via Politico:

The way Noem tells the story, in the summer of 2021 she “was hauling a trailer full of horses” when she got word that Haley wanted to talk.

Here’s how Noem recounts the conversation:

“‘Hi, Governor, this is Ambassador Nikki Haley, and I just wanted to introduce myself and have a conversation. I just wanted to let you know that I follow you quite a bit. I have heard quite a bit about you, and you are doing a good job there in South Dakota. I was thinking that maybe you might like a mentor, and maybe I could be someone who could do that for you. Because you’re a governor, you’ve gone through some challenging things that I did as well. I would be more than willing to be a mentor, because you’ve never been in this type of role before.’

“She went on to tell me about her life story, her résumé, and some of the challenges she faced in her legislature as governor and as ambassador to the United Nations reading daily talking points from the State Department. Once again, I recall, she offered to mentor me, as she was sure I was facing some decisions and situations I’d never seen before. …

“After what seemed to me a bit of an awkward pause, she added, ‘I … just … also want you to know one more thing … I’ve heard a lot of really good things about you. But I also want you to know that if I hear something bad … I will be sure to let you know.’

“There was a long pause.

“‘Um, well, thanks for that, Ambassador.’

“‘Let me be clear,’ she added. ‘I’ve heard many good things about you. But when I do hear bad things, I will make sure that you know. I’ve enjoyed talking to you. We will visit soon. Goodbye.’ Click.”

Somehow, the Governor took that as a threat, and I have no idea why. So, she called her assistant to complain.

‘I think I was just threatened by Nikki Haley?’


“‘Yeah, I’m pretty sure I was just threatened by Nikki Haley. It was clear that she wanted me to know that there was only room for one Republican woman in the spotlight. It was weird.’

“Unsurprisingly, I never received any calls or ‘mentoring’ from her, but the message was clear. I’m the alpha female here, and you should know your place. I actually felt a little sad for her.”

She’s the “alpha female”? Republicans are so weird. At any rate, Politico contacted Haley’s spokesperson, who “was befuddled” and was told the two women did have a conversation, but it was in 2020, not 2021.

“Nikki has long called and written notes supporting other women when they go through challenging times,” Chaney Denton said. “She called Governor Noem in 2020 to encourage her when she was criticized for keeping her state open during Covid. How she would twist that into a threat is just plain weird.”

Noem, who was seen as a possible VP pick for Trump, is in full damage control over her revelations of the brutal killing of her dog, which she said she hated, at a gravel pit.
