Home » FOUR YEARS AGO: Trump Said Mail-in Voting Is Corrupt Except When He Uses It

FOUR YEARS AGO: Trump Said Mail-in Voting Is Corrupt Except When He Uses It

Our great writer, Red Painter penned this article on 04/08/2020.

Donald Trump really does not like people voting and he made that clear at Tuesday night’s briefing when he was confronted with his own decision to vote by mail. His excuse? He can’t make it to Florida to vote. But for the millions of other people, including the 1.3 military that vote by mail, Trump does not approve. Here is the back and forth:

REPORTER: You were highly critical of mail-in voting.

TRUMP: I think mail-in voting is horrible. It’s corrupt.

REPORTER: You voted in Florida’s election last month?

TRUMP: Sure, I vote by mail.

REPORTER: How do you reconcile that?

TRUMP: Because I’m allowed to. That’s called out of state. You know why I voted? Because I happened to be in the White House and I won’t be able to go to Florida and vote. But let me just say …

REPORTER: What is the difference between mailing within state or mailing outside?

TRUMP: …well there’s a big difference between somebody that’s out of state and does a ballot and everything’s sealed, certified and everything else. You see what you have to do with the certifications. And you get thousands and thousands of people sitting in somebody’s living room signing ballots all over the place.

No, I think that mail-in voting is a terrible thing. I think if you vote, you should go — and even the concept of early voting is not the greatest because a lot of things happen, but it’s OK. But you should go, and you should vote. I think you should go, and you should vote.

You look at what they do where they grab thousands of mail-in ballots and they dump it — I’ll tell you what — and I don’t have to tell you, you can look at the statistics, there’s a lot of dishonesty going along with mail-in voting, mail-in ballots.

Just a reminder that voter fraud is shockingly rare, with an incidence rate of between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent. One of the biggest voter fraud cases happened in North Carolina and involved an operative, Leslie McCrae, who was working for Mark Harris, Republican. Another big case of voter fraud was in Virginia and involved another Republican, Scott Taylor. It does seem there is voter fraud going on – but this is clearly another example of accuse others of what you are guilty of most.

Is Donald Trump projecting what he is planning to do? More fraud? We know he is desperate to win the 2020 election. What levels will he sink to? Voter fraud is not an unreasonable concern.

Red Painter got it exactly correct. It turns out nonexistent voter fraud is what Trump used to incite the insurrection on January 6th and then campaigned on for the upcoming 2024 election.
