Home » ICYMI: No Labels bails on unity, Trump twists logic

ICYMI: No Labels bails on unity, Trump twists logic

No Labels has a new, unofficial motto: ‘No Democrats’

Even No Labels members seem to be cottoning on to the fact that the organization is less about bipartisanship and unity and more about spoiling 2024 for President Joe Biden.

Fresh off settling a lawsuit for price gouging, Chick-fil-A is doing it again

Turns out that greed is the special sauce.

Trump claims ‘total immunity’ because he tried to overturn the election for all of us

A true masterpiece of pretzel logic!

Biden’s campaign will kick off with the starkest themes in recent memory

Biden’s 2024 campaign is swinging hard in defense of democracy.

Cartoon: Good plagiarism bad plagiarism

Another thought-provoking cartoon from Clay Jones.

More top stories:

Court records give new detail on sex abuse allegations against Jeffrey Epstein

Expect this story to get a lot bigger in the coming days.

Holy straw man, Chief Justice Roberts! No, AI is not the biggest threat to SCOTUS

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts issued his end-of-year report, and it sure seems like someone spent too much time watching bad sci-fi over the long holiday.

Democrats land ‘top recruit’ for one of their toughest House races

Michigan Democrats scored big!

Former Rep. Mayra Flores accused of cribbing others’ pictures of Mexican food as her own cooking

How do you maintain such a high profile and still think you can get away with this?

What I learned about presidential politics watching an epic Rose Bowl

Sports and politics share several common threads that are worth keeping in mind this year.

Emergency rooms not required to perform life-saving abortions, federal appeals court rules

Things just keep getting worse for women in Texas.

Trump’s lawyers want special counsel Jack Smith held in contempt

A legal temper tantrum is underway.

Democrats could flip the Ohio Supreme Court this fall, but they’d need a clean sweep

So you’re saying there’s a chance!

Trump’s threat to democracy is the heart of Biden’s campaign—and Trump’s

It’s not just that Republicans are sticking with Trump despite his anti-democratic positions; it’s that they are actively supporting these positions. And they are eager to go further.

Today’s comics.

Campaign Action


January 2024