Home » Report: Chesebro Gives New Details On Fake Electors Scheme

Report: Chesebro Gives New Details On Fake Electors Scheme

CNN reported that they had exclusive news regarding the fake electors scheme, specifically the mad scramble that occured in order to get the slates of fake electors from Michigan and Wisconsin to Washington, D.C. in time.

According to CNN’s Marshall Cohen, the news service got their hands on some of the recorded interview Michigan investigators had with former Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro as well as some emails that Chesebro had turned over to the investigators.

Chesebro detailed how the Trump and GOP operatives were in a panic because the slates of fake electors were literally stuck in the mail. They scrambled around to find a way to get the slates to Washington in time, including chartering a private jet. They ended up flying with operatives in last minute commercial flights.

Per Cohen:

Remember, they needed to get those ballots to the House floor because they wanted Mike Pence to throw out Biden’s real electors and replace them with Trump’s fake electors. So in the end, the campaign didn’t need to charter a jet. Staffers booked last-minute tickets on commercial flights, but they ferried those ballots to Washington, D.C. on January 5th. And once they got to D.C., there was a series of handoffs and couriers that even included some help from Senator Ron Johnson’s office. Those ballots eventually reached the U.S. Capitol in time, but Pence’s team said they didn’t want him. He refused to go along with the plan.

Oooh, it looks like old RoJo might want to retain himself a good lawyer real soon. And not a Rudy Guiliani kind of lawyer, but an actual, good lawyer.

But wait, that’s not all. There’s more. There’s always more.

It appears that Chesebro feels that he was burned by Trump and his campaign. Chesebro told the Michigan investigators that he felt he got thrown under the campaign bus after the campaign’s three top attorneys washed their hands of the whole thing, leaving Chesebro to dangle in the wind.

You just know that there will be more details coming out, hopefully sooner rather than later. Because, as we have seen time and time again, Hell hath no fury as a former Trump staffer burned.


December 2023