Home » DeSantis Waves Away Musk’s Anti-Semitic Remarks: ‘I Haven’t Seen It’

DeSantis Waves Away Musk’s Anti-Semitic Remarks: ‘I Haven’t Seen It’

Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis clashed with CNN host Jake Tapper over Elon Musk’s anti-Semitic social media posts.

During an interview on CNN, Tapper noted that Musk had seemingly endorsed a conspiracy theory claiming Jews are trying to replace white Christians in the U.S.

“I did not see the comment,” DeSantis claimed. “And so I know that Elon has had a target on his back ever since he purchased Twitter because I think he’s taking it in a direction that a lot of people who are used to controlling the narrative don’t like.”

“So I was a big supporter of him purchasing Twitter,” he observed. “I think they’re obviously still working some stuff out, but I did not see those comments.”

Tapper offered to show Musk’s social media posts to DeSantis.

“I know you’ve been very out front when you see anti-Semitism on the left,” Tapper pressed. “Is anti-Semitism on the right something that concerns you as well?”

DeSantis insisted he was concerned about anti-Semitism “across the board.” He then lashed out at liberals and blamed anti-Semitism on the right on “fringe voices.”

“I don’t know how fringe the voices are, to be completely frank,” Tapper replied. “I mean, Elon Musk is the wealthiest man in the world.”

“And we’ve seen some major conservative media figures, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, and others pushing really, really hateful stuff, backing this nonsensical theories of white genocide, white replacement theory,” he added. “And I would ask that major Republican figures like you use your voices as well to stand against it.”

But DeSantis dismissed Musk’s posts as “blogging.”

“But to compare that for how some of these most powerful universities in the country have responded to this, we have Jewish students fleeing for their lives because you have angry mobs, and yet they have not done what they need to do to protect the safety and well-being of those students,” he opined.

“I’m just saying Elon Musk is a pretty powerful guy, and he’s out there endorsing some pretty hideous anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, and I still haven’t heard you condemn it,” Tapper pointed out.

“Well, because I haven’t seen it,” DeSantis said. “I know you tried to read. I have no idea what the context is. I know Elon Musk. I’ve never seen him do anything. I think he’s a guy that believes in America. I’ve never seen him indulge in any of that. So it’s surprising if that’s true, but I have not seen it. So I don’t want to sit there and pass judgment on the fly.”


November 2023