Home » Senate Dems To Subpoena Harlan Crow And Leonard Leo

Senate Dems To Subpoena Harlan Crow And Leonard Leo

Senate Democrats announced plans this week to vote to subpoena a pair of wealthy conservatives and a judicial activist who have underwritten or organized lavish travel for some Supreme Court justices. They’re ratcheting up the pressure on the court to strengthen its ethics policies. Via the Washington Post:

Senate Judiciary Committee leaders said they would vote as soon as Nov. 9 to authorize subpoenas for information from Texas billionaire Harlan Crow, a close friend and benefactor of Justice Clarence Thomas, and from Leonard Leo, the conservative judicial activist. Senate Democrats do not need the vote of any Republican on the committee to authorize the subpoenas. No separate vote by the full Senate is necessary.

Democratic lawmakers are seeking detailed information about the full extent of Crow’s gifts to Thomas. News reports about the justice’s failure over many years to report private jet travel, real estate deals and other gifts from Crow have prompted calls for the court to strengthen its ethics rules and for greater transparency about the justices’ potential conflicts and recusal decisions.

“By accepting these lavish, undisclosed gifts, the justices have enabled their wealthy benefactors and other individuals with business before the Court to gain private access to the justices while preventing public scrutiny of this conduct,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said in the joint announcement. “It is imperative that we understand the full extent of how people with interests before the Court are able to use undisclosed gifts to gain private access to the justices.”

They also plan to subpoena Rob Arkley, who allegedly covered expensive trips for Antonin Scalia and Sam Alito.

I can just imagine the dinner-table conversation from these aggrieved subjects: “How dare they? Don’t they know who I am?” Justice eventually comes to all, my dudes.


November 2023