Home » Tim Scott’s ‘Girlfriend’ Is The Least Of His Problems

Tim Scott’s ‘Girlfriend’ Is The Least Of His Problems

Axios’ morning email thingie reports that the quest to learn the secret identity of Sen. Tim Scott’s Hawt Canadian Lingerie Supermodel Girlfriend continues:

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) — a 57-year-old bachelor under pressure from potential presidential backers to say more about his personal life — told evangelicals in Iowa last night that he’s dating “a lovely Christian girl.”

Asked onstage if there’s “any special lady” in his life, Scott replied: “I’m dating a lovely Christian girl,” according to Politico.

  • “One of the things I love about the gospel of Jesus Christ is it points us always in the right direction. Proverbs 18:22 says: ‘He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”
  • Scott “knelt to the ground, asking the room to please pray for him before quickly rising with a big grin. The audience laughed,” per Politico.

The backstory: Axios’ Alex Thompson reported last month that top GOP donors were pushing Scott’s team for more detail about his bachelor status.

  • Last week, the Washington Post’s Ben Terris wrote in a lengthy Style section feature that Scott’s “romantic endeavors aren’t a scandal so much as they are a mystery.”

This is, of course, sad that the Gawd Botherers are hounding this Black man for maybe not being straight, instead of hounding him for being a GOP standard-issue fascist. And really, who cares if he is anything other than straight? Look at his positions on issues: he’s still a fascist. The Republicans are not going to vote for him even if he does have a girlfriend.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.


September 2023