Home » Florida Schools telling DeSantis to take a hike??

Florida Schools telling DeSantis to take a hike??

2 min read

Just now

I was listening to NPR today as I was driving around my neighborhood after eating lunch at a restaurant that serves Lebanese food. I have gone there quite a bit and enjoyed the food and getting to know a bit about the Palestinians that run. Anyway, back to the topic.

I was listened to โ€œAll Things Consideredโ€ and hear them interviewing Florida Schools commissioner, Manny Diaz. He stated quite clearly that the schools in Florida will be teaching the full psychological AP classes that are required to prepare young people for college. That includes sexual identity and all the information normally included in the course.

He further made it clear that many of the teachers are scared. Of course they are scared because they know DeSantos attitude and his, well, let me just say it out loud, Nazi approach to education and running the department of education in his state. He indicated that those teachers that are scared are right to be nervous but they WILL NOT be left alone to deal with any recuperations from the over-reaching of the Governor.

I am not sure exactly how that will work, but certainly putting Florida youth behind the curve on educational excellence is not an acceptable situation. I would hope that not only would the school department in Florida stand with those teachers but that Manny Diaz will stand tall and go to the Federal Government and sue for the right to accurately and adequately prepare Florida youth to survive in College and not be left behind because of the fact that they have a governor who cares about ideology more than actually educating the next generation.

Then I came home and read this confirmation on an article from CNN.


If you read the article, it does say some things about โ€œteaching the class as age appropriateโ€. Watch out, hopefully the course wonโ€™t be so watered down that it will keep the graduates from going to a college outside of Florida if they should so desire.Then I came home and found this article on CNN.


August 2023