Home » Ingraham Wants GOP To Brag About ‘Abortion Accomplishment’

Ingraham Wants GOP To Brag About ‘Abortion Accomplishment’

I don’t think any of the suits upstairs at Fox are even watching the Laura Ingraham show anymore. She doesn’t generate ad revenue, her ratings are abysmal, and they can’t quit her because that would be admitting that liberals are right and she is awful.

So she’s allowed to say whatever she wants about the Republican Party and “strategies” for 2024. And then she says this:

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): And one more thing, it’s a real mistake to think that the G.O.P. could have lied forever to the voters about its views on abortion, that it could claim to be pro-life but always keep Roe in place. That’s the type of cynical thinking that caused G.O.P. voters to turn on the Bushes. And then, of course, turn on the Cheneys and pick Trump instead. Overturning Roe v. Wade is the greatest accomplishment the conservative movement has had since the end of the Cold War. We should be proud of it, and build on it, not run away from it.

And everybody in the Reality-Based Community says, GO FOR IT, LAURA INGRAHAM AND THE GOP!


One more thing to note about this clip. Notice that Democratic voters did not win anything in Ohio, according to Fox. Fox News cannot admit that Democratic VOTERS ever win anything. They can whine that the “Liberal Media Takes a Victory Lap In Ohio” but we as Democratic voters do not exist because if we do, then there are more of us than there are of Fox News viewers and that ruins the whole conceit.

Media Matters


August 2023