Home » State governments need to step up for climate action now

State governments need to step up for climate action now

This summer we are reeling from the devastating impacts of the climate crisis. We are coping with floods, record heat, wildfires, rising ocean temperatures, and tornadoes. And as long as the climate crisis remains unchecked, these devastating weather events will not just continue, they will increase in frequency.

State governments are in unique positions to ramp up the fight against global warming and demonstrate their commitment despite federal policy gridlock and rollbacks. Even with congressional climate legislation making headway, the federal government faces major uphill battles around regulation. There is much more to be done, and not much hope in the public interest.

States can and must step it up—we need every and all climate action possible!

Sign the petition: State governments can do even more to curb climate change.

Campaign Action

In August 2022, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act—landmark legislation that provides the most ambitious funding ever for tackling climate change. Now, that funding will be applied by states, which will have a vital role in the success of the programs. If implemented correctly, these funds have the potential to reduce emissions up to 44% below 2005 levels by 2030.

State legislatures must ensure that IRA funds align with legislative climate and clean energy goals. Additionally, state governments must seize the opportunity to pursue aggressive climate action, as Congress currently has no additional climate legislation planned.

States can and should hold corporations responsible for exacerbating climate change; just 100 companies are responsible for over 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Right now, state and local governments are holding energy companies accountable, suing major players in the fossil fuel industry that intentionally misled the public on climate change. And states like California could soon require large corporations to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and report their risks from climate change.

States also can and must enact new emissions standards and clean energy goals, laws, and regulations that will not only address the crisis but grow our clean energy economies, create new jobs, improve public health, and build more resilient communities.

State governments need to do even more to tackle the climate crisis. The clock is ticking. 

Sign the petition to your state elected officials: In order to address the climate crisis, I am counting on you to enact bold measures and make further commitments to curb climate change at the state level.


August 2023